
I don't know who to talk to or what to do because none of my friends or family will take me seriously. Hell most people on the internet don't take these types of things seriously but I'm at a loss and I can't handle it anymore. I want to blame my birth control pill, since this started happening when I first got on it back in October. I'm a senior in high school and I've totally ruined my senior year and won't be graduating on time, I'll be 2 credits short. I'm devastated but at the same time I also feel like it's not a big deal or like I don't care. I've been constantly tired, I can't stay awake, I'm exhausted when I get home from school, it's hard to wake up on time, I have no emotions, I don't get angry, I don't have any motivation or inspiration, I don't get sad, and I'm totally and utterly passionless and just not interested in ANYTHING. And because of this I've been procrastinating everything, not being social at all, locking myself in my room when I'm not at school, I only really have one friend left now, and I feel so trapped and I don't know if this is depression or what. I've never struggled with depression or mental illness before so I don't know, my mom is bi-polar however but she doesn't take medication or go to therapy and she is very much a "suck it up and get over it" person and I know if I talk to her she won't believe me or she'll say I'm just being lazy and get verbally abusive with me as usual. I'm afraid if she finds out I'm not graduating in time she'll kick me out, she's been threatening to kick me out over the smallest things ever since my birthday in January and I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I've totally flat-lined and now it's ruining my life.