Pregnancy after loss

In April 2014 I had a baby boy, his name was Remy. My son ended up only living 28 days. He passed away in May due to problems with his brain. 
Me and my husband instantly started trying as soon as we got the "okay" not trying to replace our son! He is irreplaceable! 
In august we ended up having a miscarriage at 9 weeks pregnant. The miscarriage brought up hidden emotions from our sons passing. 
We decided not to try. I went to the doctor in October for a check up after the miscarriage and found out that I am pregnant again. A week later we found out it is twins! We just recently found out they are boys and we are due June 28th. We are very excited. Has anyone experienced a loss of a infant and then gave birth again? I've done therapy, but just not really knowing what to expect with the emotions. My husband is terrified that things will turn out the same with the twins.