
Well , I must have some balls to really redownload this app after deleting it hours after giving birth to my dead babyboy, well here's my story , On March 3rd ,2017 I gave birth to the most handsome little boy , he was only just 22 weeks and 4 days , it all started when I was showering and felt a urge to poop sorry for tmi but while showering my own body just pushed on its own . I knew that it wasn't normal for my body "just to push" so I went to to ER @ 9:00 pm and was immediately put into a labor and delivery room , It was 2:00 am when they gave me the news that I was 7 cm dialated and I had no other way but to give birth . So I waited for my contractions to get harder, it was now 6 am and the doctor started giving me pitocin to induce my labor . 2:30 came and I was pushing and  only a portion of my water bag came out so the doctor broke my water bag and that's when the real contractions started to worsen, 2 minutes into pushing, my baby's body came out and his head was stuck ,I took one last hard push and he was born at 2:58 pm weighting 1 pound 6 oz measuring 11 1/2 inches ❤️️he was a breeched baby and the reason why I couldn't feel the contractions was because I had a weak cervix that didn't cause me any pain while dialating, I also have a small uterus and my cervix couldn't take it's pressure. I'm not looking for someone to feel sorry for me , hey I'm just 16 years old and I have my future ahead of me , this is another opportunity to get my life together and do what's best for me . Thank you for listening to my story .