Yesterdays Hospital Visit*Update*

Katie • Wife,Mother of 3

Woke up feeling great nothing unusual. Played with my son all morning as usual nothing strenuous. Around 1:30 pm I noticed I was getting small contractions in my lower back. Okay no big deal as they were very spaced out. 2pm I go to the bathroom and noticed when I wiped I had some bright red blood and mucus. Went to call and let dr know what was going on as I was only 34 weeks and 5 days yesterday. Dr office closed at noon so I headed straight to L&D to just be safe. Got hooked up and check for dilation and I was at a 2! Contractions were coming ever 3-4 minutes but I didn't notice them in my tummy. Only felt maybe a handful but thought they were braxton hicks. It was the same way with my son when I had him. Dr ordered iv fluids to see if that would help. Didn't work. Ordered a second iv bag and a pill to help stop contractions. About an hour and a half later contractions weren't as often and not as strong. Dr ordered and ultrasound to check everything out. Our little girl looks great and is a little over 5lbs and measuring a week ahead. Dr was comfortable sending me home last night and said baby has decided to start trying to come. He would rather her not come for 3 more week but if I go back and body and baby are ready he will let me deliver. He was very happy with her size and weight. So excited to know everything is moving in the right direction!!!!

Had my 35 week check up today and I'm now dilated between a 2 and a 3! Dr said if I'm to go back to L&D and things are moving along that he will let me deliver! Baby shower is tomorrow evening so I told the baby she is more than welcome to come afterwards lol