Feeling like its not going to happen , any advice

Alexea • 30 years old, mother of two. Looking forward to getting with number 3.

I'm 30, I have two boys, 12 and 6. I got pregnant with them so easily coming off birth control. I've been off birth control for around 8 months, and I'm on a 23 day ovulation cycle, and nothing. I'm going Tuesday for blood work for checking hormone levels, if I'm producing egg during ovulation time if he needs to give fertility drugs I guess, and to check my thyroid.

I'm a heavier girl, I've recently lost 30lbs in the last few months thinking I had gotten too heavy.

I'm on a minimal gluten, high protein diet. I do yoga 3x a week, my partner and I have been sexually active 4-6 times a week for almost a year. I'm continuing to work on losing weight slowly. I have scoliosis so excersising is a challenge but I try to.

What other things do you all do for fertility aids and Wellness, and weight loss; while trying to conceive?