37 weeks almost and baby girl still breech!

So I went to the dr today and she checked to see if baby girl is still breech and... she is! Stubborn little lady. lol so dr wants to try and turn her on Tuesday then induce the next Thursday. I hope it works and I hope she stays that way until I deliver. I have to wait 9 days after they try and turn her so l will be 39 weeks when they induce. I'm super nervous it won't work or she will try and turn again. Anyone had to have a version and it worked? If so did the baby stay that way until delivery? Also I'll be 37 weeks on Friday and today baby is about 6lbs 1oz. 
Update: well ladies the version didn't work this morning. She didn't want to turn and it hurt so bad in the process. So now I'm scheduled for a c section. Not the outcome I wanted at all but as long as she is healthy that's all that matters.