11 days late? HELP.

Holly • 21/ loving being a mommy💙😘 / engaged to my best friend! 💍💗
According to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>, I'm 11 days late. But I'm not sure whether I am or not. Ever since I had my son (A year ago on April 16th), my periods have been irregular. I've always gotten them every month, and each period would last for 2.5-3.5 weeks. My last period only lasted 8 days, which I found odd, but whatever. A week after my period I had some dark brown discharge, so I thought maybe I was going to start my period again since it had only lasted 8 days, but it never came. About a week ago I had a couple days where I felt nauseous, was beyond exhausted, and cravings like no other (still have cravings). I took one of those digital hpt and it said not pregnant. I keep waiting thinking my period should be coming, but it hasn't yet. I don't know if I should test again, or if I should just wait it out since my periods are pretty irregular to begin with?
Opinions? Advice?