Vaginal Birth or C section??

So a few weeks ago I was speaking to my husband on FaceTime , he's currently deployed and roomed up with another guy over there.
His roommate is married with two kids, he told my husband a few days before we facetimed that his wife had natural births and that her V and boobs " completely went to shit "! He had another guy tell him the same thing as well. 
First of all can't believe they were speaking about the mother of their children that way , but now my gullible husband thinks that this will happen to me as well. 
For women who have had natural births , was sex dramatically different? Did your husband mention a difference and have you seen any difference in your V? Does it look and feel the same as before ? 
Im a little hesitant whether I should have it naturally now or a ceserian ? 
Which would you recommend doing ? 
As for women who've had C sections would you have preferred a natural birth instead ?