I miss feeling my husband inside me

Cassie • Mommy to 3 year old boy and soon to be another boy in December 😍
My husband and I haven't had sex in OVER a month. I've been hinting to him I want to be intimate but he just shrugs it off. This is NOT new. He wants another baby and I even told him tonight that I was ovulating and all he said was "really?" Then when he goes to bed, he clearly sees I'm frustrated and I tell him to just buy me a dildo (he's the breadwinner) and his response was "I should, you take like an hour to cum" 😱😱😱😱😱 bitch exuse the f*ck me?!??! I said, "AND it takes you like an hour to cum when I'm giving you head also!" WTF! I'm so tired of this!! I CRAVE my husband! I crave intimacy with him, I crave feeling him inside me (sorry tmi) I just don't know what to do. We are both overweight (by a little) but we are working out together and eating healthy. You would think that would be a bonding experience. I love my man regardless his size. All I can think of is he's not attracted to me right now. But then again, he hardly touched me when I was 120. I'm just so lost and missing my hubby. I don't have any photos of me but I how do I let my husband know I still find him sexy. I even wrote him a letter and that was the last time we had sex. Over a month ago. Help!