Broken Heart Syndrome

I think I have this. It's an actual thing.  And I had a breakdown last night after not having experienced one for at least a year. In 2015 I had them at least once, maybe twice a month, and they are basically major crying episodes of sobbing and wailing over a love I cannot be with. He and I are just too incompatible an it would take so much work for us to do the same things together in his and my lives. I see so much potential in him, we have similar/ if not the same financial and family goals. But just being with him, the things he says, the things I say-- he pisses me off so much. Omg. He wants to lose his belly weight and, he is lean for the most part, but we went into the drive thru for jack in the box and he orders six tacos. I tell him why not get four since you want to lose weight, and he responds like, what are you kidding me? My weight is not impacted by the amount of food I take in if I exercise." And then I tell him-- you said earlier you find exercise boring. And then he basically 'shuts me down' by saying, 'I hate school but I have three degrees. I'd do the exercise anyways.' And I'm like smh (smack my head AND shake my head.) it's terrible. Stuff like this the whole 4-5 out of the six hours we recently saw each other. So, I have anxiety in my threat, heart/chest the two days since we were together, and read about broken heart syndrome. I can't live with him, and I can't live without thinking about him and how much he is in my life now, my thoughts, my behavior patterns I picked up since 2012 when I met him.... I call him a piece of shit sometimes in my mind, f***er, etc cause I am so angry about the whole situation. And after this breakdown, I feel like I have a cold, but I don't. And I am taking extra supplements to combat the toll that emotional expressions and events like these cause. Help me,  can you?.... this feeling, my apparent lack of boundaries (what are the ones I must set up?): they are aging me, killing me and I want to survive. Last time, in 2015, they triggered a depressive episode and I have learned not to allow such an experience for myself! It is so painful and horrid for me and every relationship I have in my life. Thank you for the read and I look forward to hearing back from anybody who will share. Thank you.