I don't feel the same about my husband after baby.

Sorry for the long post. This breaks my heart to even say it lately I don't feel the same way about my husband. Before the baby our relationship was amazing and I was so nervous that our relationship would change. I thought it'd be him that changed though. I don't know what it is. We have gone out a few times on dates (although during the day which doesn't always feel as date like). We have sex not a ton but when we do I enjoy it. He's great with our son. He watches him all day one day a week, half day one day, and he lets me sleep in one day on the weekend. My son is crazy about him. I think I might just be a little resentful. My husband is in grad school so he doesn't work. I work full time. I come home and I watch my son for like an hour and a half then I put him to bed. Then I cook dinner. Then I clean up after dinner. Maybe one night a week he helps with one or the other or both. My husband is messy. His office is absolutely disgusting. He leaves cabinets open. After I put my son to bed I spend another an hour cleaning the house. My husband doesn't come to bed with me because he's up late doing work (but bonus he feeds the baby before he comes to bed). Any time the baby wakes up before after three am or before I go to bed, I'm taking care of him. This is regardless of whether I have work, it's my weekend day to get up early with him, or it's my husbands weekend day. My husband is busy with school but I'm SO busy with everything. I don't want to do many day dates because I don't want to miss out on my already limited time with my son. Once my son is asleep, I'm so exhausted that I can't think of anything I want to do other than drink a glass of wine and go to sleep. I just want to know this all gets better. I miss the way we used to be and feeling the way I used to feel. This has been going on for five months.