Do I get back with him for a 3rd time?

Okay, let me bring this back to what started it, so this is going to be VERY long. Btw he has broken up with me previously 2 times before, so this one was our third.
He would constantly check out girls in front of me, and I was very insecure at the time so I asked him to stop doing it. He said he didn't even do it but that he would stop , but never did so I at least asked him to stop doing it in front of me and he said he would, but of course he didn't! It wasn't just normal checking out though, he would full on stare, especially on important dates like Valentines Day, our one year, my birthdays, etc. and one time he even said "I can't take my eyes off of you" and he instantly darted his eyes at another girl, but I was so in denial for so long and believed him when he told me he didn't do that stuff. 
After a while though, I wasn't so in denial about it anymore after realizing he was just lying to me about it. He even went up to me one time telling me one of our friends has a huge chest and when I told him I was upset that he said that, all he had to say was "at least I was honest" but he would get upset at me for just walking to class with one of my guy friends. 
Bc of my ex checking out other girls at the time, it worsened my insecurities and I tried talking to him about it on how it made me feel, but none of it would work. I soon became depressed and hated the way I looked so I became less affectionate and would push him away emotionally since every time I would talk about how I feel, nothing would work, or we would get into arguments. We had sex less since I didn't feel good enough for him, and at one point something just snapped and I started examining the girls he would check out and write down their good qualities (big chest, wide hips, big butt) and I would even start saving up money to enhance my body to make him happy, and I would cut myself and just talk horribly about myself all the time.
So basically, 2 months ago, only a couple days before Valentine's Day he broke up with me telling me he's been falling out of love with me. Of course I felt sad, it was out of the blue for me since he never told me he felt this way, and he always seemed so happy. But when school started that weekend (4 days after the breakup), he was already talking to another girl (in a crush way) in a class we had together, so I thought that was shady. I ended up skipping classes and even full days so much that week. I almost actually killed myself over a break up (but thank god I didn't). Guys would constantly come up to me for the next couple of weeks wanting to date or hook up, but I would deny them all since I still respected my ex and it was too soon. But soon enough I was talking to another guy (he was my friend and we both just wanted sex) since I was finally starting to move on a little and I was so happy since I also started going to the gym, so I became more positive and happy with myself and I stopped cutting and my depression was gone! My ex and I were friends at the time, so we still talked a little even though my feelings were still there a little. He told me how he was gonna have sex with one of his friends, and how he has a crush on the girl in our class. Of course it hurt me, but I knew I was moving on. He eventually asked her out, but he got rejected, and the other girl didn't want to have sex with him anymore. And a couple days after that, he called me one night and we talked for a little and he asked for me back wanting to try again and I said yes. But the right after that day, I told him that I don't exactly want to get back right away, but I want to try and work things out since all the stuff that happened really hurt, and I don't want to go through it again and he understood. 
When we were talking things out, he admitted that he knew that checking out other girls upset me and sometimes even make me cry, and how he knew how it made me feel about myself, and that he wanted to try again with me since he saw how all of our problems were fixed so easily. As in, I got through my depression, my insecurities, I stopped cutting bc I knew I was better than that, and it was suddenly "our" problems again. He said he really wants to try again though and that he's sorry for being an inconsiderate jerk and that he's maturing more. I just can't get over that though. How he had a crush on a girl 3 days after was sketchy, how he asked for me back after being rejected, how he knew what he did made me cry, but I also feel like I'm part of the reason the breakup happened since I was so neglectful, so I should at least give him another chance.... What do you girls think?