The Guy I've Been Talking To For A Few Months Has Been Ignoring Me For 4 Days!

Well, I met this guy some months back and were pretty interested in each other. We'd talk on the phone for hours and hang out quite often. We talked to each other everyday so it took me by surprise when he stoped texting and calling me one day. 
The day before this all fell over, he asked me to hangout with him because he missed me so. He even showed me off to a few of his friends on FaceTime and insisted I told them the story of how we met. (Sounds all fine and dandy right?) later that night we hung up and he said he would talk to me tomorrow. So we said our goodbyes and to bed I went. (Ps. He got into a huge disagree with his mother a week earlier)
About 9am the following day I sent him a text, "Hey ! Are we still hanging out today?"
No reply, a few hours later I sent another text "yes,no?" And AGAIN no reply! He's a morning person so I know he's up. Yet he won't reply to my text nor calls. 
Time goes on and the next day, same story. 4 days go past now and no word from him at all. He's on his social media accounts include Facebook messenger.... does anyone have an idea of what's going on here or am I just over reacting?