Omg... Horrific smell.

Gena • 37. First time mommy to baby James on 06/19/18.
So my husband was trying to make me toast this morning because I've felt sick all night. Crampy, bloaty, nauseated.... In the process of making me toast. He started freaking out about something and I kept asking him "what? What's wrong?" And he just kept telling me to hold on as he was fiddling with the toaster. All of the sudden he says that something in the toaster smells and that its smoking and suddenly the most acrid and foul smell started filling the house. I gagged and had to run to the restroom where I dry heaved for like 10 minutes. We opened all the windows, despite it being 37 degrees outside but I can STILL smell it. I can't leave the bedroom because this is the one room I smell it the least. But I feel like it's burned into my nasal cavity by now.