Finally decided to go back to school!


So I have been graduated from High School for 2 years now. And in those 2 years I have:

Had a baby

Gotten engaged (will be married in less than 3 weeks)

And gone to college for all of 1 quarter, but stopped because I did not see a point in continuing if I did not know what I wanted to do.

At first I wanted to be an Early Childhood Education teacher, but I am really not good at teaching and the job would not pay very well either. So I didn't really know what I wanted to do for a while.

But after getting pregnant and having a baby I knew that I wanted to do something that involved babies.

So I have decided to go back to school to become an Ultrasound Technician. It may not be the BIGGEST thing that involves babies, but I would get to see the excitement on each and every mothers face when they get to hear the heartbeat for the first time or when they get to find out the gender of their baby ❤ It would just be so uplifting and such an enjoyable job.

Now I know that there are those times where a woman goes in for an ultrasound and there is no heartbeat. And I know that, that will be difficult. Especially if you know that patient is going through, which I do. But those are just things (as horrible as it is to say) that I would have to get used to.

Either way, I could not be more excited to go back to school now that I finally have something to look forward to and to know that it ks something that I know I will enjoy!