Does this make me selfish?

Field Of Daisies 💋 • ~She's country, from her cowboy boots to her down home roots~

I'll try not to rant since this isn't the rant room 🙊

So pretty much since I've had kids, I'm the only one who ever seems to do anything. I clean them, feed them, take care of the when they're sick, tuck them in blah blah. Well, this isn't a one parent deal. It's a two parent deal. I am married and that man is their dad. He can't even watch them for a few minutes while he is outside when he gets off work so I can have a moment of peace. Yeah, he works. Something 12 and 15 hour days. Some days I don't. I'm only part time. So I'm home all day long with the kids. I get it is part of being a mom and all but am I wrong or selfish to want a few minutes alone? I deal with all 3 of them all the time and even he has his friends he can hang out with while I have pretty much no one. That's fine but I want a fucking break every once in a while even if it's to go get groceries by myself. He can have a friend over and I'll send them out so I can finish whatever without hearing someone fighting or "mom" for the millionth time that day and he sends them right back inside. Sometimes I just want to disappear. So, does this make me selfish?