my SO's crazy ex girlfriend.

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
As the title states I need advice and help. I'm on the edge of starting world war 3. Not much background needed other than my SO's ex is crazy, she was emotionally and physically absuive to my SO and a nutcase. They don't have children and we have been together for 4 years now. Every now and then he'll receive an email from her. I know, BLOCK HER is what you're all gonna scream but to be honest some of them are actually funny. She makes up lies about the most random thing, she cannot tell the truth ever. The last email my SO received was about his bank account, saying she's been asked to go in and doesn't want anymore ties to him, she hasn't been on his bank account ever and the address was changed 2 years ago so there's no way she would be receiving paperwork OR be asked to go speak to the bank in question. My SO being the way he is called the bank and double checked everything and it was what he expected. He replied to her to say I have spoken with them and you have no connection to to the account. Fine, thought it was done with. But no, she is claiming she's been in, spoken about his finances all of this crap. He obviously doesn't want her to find out where we live as it will cause all sorts of issues. He's mentally much better but he was living in hell when he was with her. I am on the edge of emailing her telling her to leave my family alone, but, I don't want to upset my SO. He always just wants to ignore it and hope she goes away but she never does. It's too hard for him to email her and I can see the mood changes in him when he recieves one from her. So am I right to tell her to leave us alone? I don't know what to do all I know is that I'm seeing red because she's upsetting my SO who as mentioned struggled with emotional and physical abuse daily. So glow, help me. Do I email her politely and ask her to not contact my family again or do I leave it? Do I email her rudely? I just don't know. All I do know is that she won't stop. It's getting me down seeing how upset he is! Help me glow!!!