i need Boy help! i dont know what he wants

so i've been talking to this one guy for almost a year now. we matched on tinder but got eachothers numbers and we have mostly been texting and phone calling. about 5 months ago now he asked me out on our first date. to this day we have been on 6 (amazing) dates and still talk everyday. we have slept together, but only just recently. he is always so kind to me and i feel like im the only girl in the world when i'm with him. we can stay up to ridiculous hours laughing and talking on our dates and its just so easy because we get along really well. we can be ourselves around eachother. i feel like he may like me because he has stuck around for so long. problem is that i have no idea what we are. i think he has dated some other people while we were dating, i dont even know if i can say 'im seeing someone'. i know i need to ask but what do you all think of this situation? does it sound like its going anywhere to you guys?