Unplanned pregnancy

My on and off again boyfriend and I just found out that we're about 6 weeks pregnant... We weren't planning it at all. I'm 20 and he's 24, he and I have been together for about two years and have recently moved into separate houses but still continued seeing each other from time to time.. well one of those times created this little peanut I have growing in me but, I don't know how to tell my friends and family.. I'm so afraid they are all going to yell and tell me how stupid I am bc none of them like him... He has been wonderful about the whole situation, and has agreed to do whatever is necessary to take care of me and the child. I couldn't ask for a better partner in this but, I really need help on how to tell my family without them being completely disappionted in me.. it's been a running joke that I beat teen pregnancy when I turned 20 bc other women in my family got pregnant young (my mother, grandmother, and great grandmother) but now, not even a month into being 20 I'm pregnant... I'm sorry I'm rambling I just really don't know what to do guys... How do I tell them without them being utterly disappointed in me? I want this to be happy news but the only thing that stops me is this looming fear of telling my friends and family...