c section belly

Hi Everyone! 
I had my first c section on Friday, April 21st.  I delivered two beautiful and healthy surrogate twins! I am over the moon. I am new to the recovery of a c-section though and wanted to ask mom's out there that have recovered from one before. My belly is still very much bloated, I look about 6 months pregnant. My uterus is almost below my hip bones already so I'm unsure of why the belly is so distended. Is it air/gas? Is it part of the fluid retention (because my feet and hands are still swollen from the fluid)? I am exclusively pumping so I am contracting my uterus back to size every 2 hours :) and I have passed several (very painful, make me cry kind of) bowel movements. I guess I am just uncertain if this is normal or if there is something I should be doing. Thanks for the help! :)