I Honestly Hate This

 I'm a teen mom and I have literally gotten so much hate mainly from women who are older and have a hard time getting pregnant simply because I got pregnant at 15 without even trying. I do REALLY feel for women who can't have children and I actually sometimes feel guilty over it because I, a teenager got pregnant but a woman who has their life more together can't. It makes me so upset that so many women hate on me for it though and they judge before they even really know my story. They just automatically assume I was a fast teenager that got pregnant easy. At 13 I was told I have a high chance of never being able to have a baby and if I did more than likely would miscarry or have the baby very early because of health complications I have. I got pregnant at 15 while I was on birth control (to help with my periods) and while I have these health issues. Luckily I carried my child all the way to term up until my water broke on to on and I luckily had a healthy pregnancy and baby. But this may be the only child I'm ever able to have. I just wish people wouldn't automatically assume things about me because I'm a teen mom. Because I was blessed to even be able to have the child that I have.