Chiropractor? i need advice!

At around 26 weeks I started having the worst back pain, it was making me nauseous and at times was not able to walk. These pains had started around week 16 but weekly massages were helping. At week 26 I contacted my midwife asking if I should take pain killers and she said I can take however I should go to a chiropractor. I contacted the one she recommended who uses the activator method. I called and booked in, this is not covered by health insurance but so thought I would give it a try. By the time I went for my first appointment my back was ok not painless but ok. I have been 8 times to the chiropractor now and do not seem to feel any different. I am unsure if I should continue, it is costing s lot of money for less than a 5 min treatment which I am not sure is making a difference... anyopinions?