Gaining weight after stopping BCP, what do y'all do to feel more beautiful?!

Natasha • I am TTC baby #1 with my SO. I am 28 years old and he is 29. We live in Northern Cali and have been together for over 3 years.👼🏼
Is it just me or did anyone else gain weight after not taking their bcp anymore? I gained literally 15 lbs I stopped bcp in December. I feel heavier, my back hurts from the extra weight, it came on fast like within the last month and a half. Does anyone know why?!? Almost makes me want to go back on it :( but I'm here for a reason but seriously the biggest I've ever been it aucks so bad :/ today is my day off so I thinking of doin it up and doing the hair and make up and putting those heels on that's one way I know to boost my confidence. Then start of my week Tuesday start going to the gym every morning, what do y'all do to make yourself feel more beautiful?