so sick of him

We have two kids I'm a stay at home mom and he works, well when he gets home he goes straight to his computer. I don't mind at all that he goes on his computer and plays games but help with dinner and bedtime would be great since my kids are still little and need assistance with everything (2yrs and 6months) it would be great as I'm up all day and most of the night since my littlest one hardly sleeps right now. ( I run off coffee) he hardly ever works weekends so he sleeps in till noon or whenever it's convenient for him to get up then it's back to his video games and I'm left to clean the house and take care of our children. I'm just down right drained and exhausted I don't feel like doing anything anymore and he doesn't seem to care if I ask him to watch the kids so I can rest for a few minutes he tells me to take them to my moms uh no your the dad I've tried talking to him about it but he just blows it off and calls me lazy he doesn't know half the shit that I do to keep this house running he wouldn't survive for an hour.... sorry for the long post just needed to vent somewhere