I'm a virgin. Nobody has done ANYTHING to me and I haven't kissed anyone in a while. But I've noticed I got these weird looking bumps on my vulva and I've actually noticed a few of this before and have gotten checked by my doctor. She said everything looks normal. But the thing is that it is only noticeable when you stretch out the skin and recently I've been checking my vagina everyday because you know a girl's gotta be good down there. And yesterday I did a more thorough check and stretch out everything. (like my labia major and labia minora) I got a new hand mirror for better inspection and noticed more of these bumps in other places too some small and some big. The bumps I noticed before was still in the same spot and is only on one side while many smaller ones are on various locations. Im hoping that it might be something minor because I had the realization that my inner labia minora ended up feeling rough and bumpy after I took the pill to take away my first yeast infection even though the bumps I noticed was there on my vulva beforehand. That was a year ago btw. Plus all my self vagina inspections have only begun the moment I hit highschool. I've only been depending on my mom to check before I started doing so myself.  I really feel like I don't know my vagina anymore. I have no symptoms or anything like that. Just very prone to catching yeast infection and becoming irritated. I'm so scared at the moment because when I look things up online it says it more than likely can be an STI. It's hard to tell anymore, any advice.