devils advocate

I hate the situation my best friend put herself in with her child's father. Granted nobody has the perfect relationship, but I hate that some how I have to be the one to talk her out of doing dumb shit that might effect her child in the future. I love this girl like a sister, but I can't help but feel like she knew what she was getting into when she decided to continue to deal with a guy that was living with his pregnant baby mother. Granted he lied about the status of their relationship, but as soon as I found out he was living with her and she was pregnant with their second child I would've bolted. Not to mention the girl was actually saying that they were engaged at least that's what my friend saw when she went stalking the girls instagram😒. Now the guy is being a douche telling her he doesn't believe the baby is his and she's threatening to tell his other baby mother who just had their baby like a month ago. I honestly don't even know what to tell her because since she's my friend I feel for her, but as a woman I don't respect nor condone her actions. I understand that he weaved a web, but she had time before she got pregnant to get out of the situation, but she was one of those chicks that thought since he doesn't care why should she. I hate people who rationalize like that. It's like don't you realize that the decisions you two made is going to effect three children and a mother who will be devasted because of your actions? Don't you care? As a mother and someone's baby mother pregnant with baby #2 I'm not going to lie if I was his first baby mother I'd lose it on both their asses. On her if she actually shows up at their house and on his ass because he was supposed to be committed to me. At this point idek what to tell my friend it's hard trying to give advice when your bias so I generally just agree with her telling her he's an idiot and not to bring his other baby mother into their bickering. She's going to find out eventually let it come from the person that was obligated to her. Sorry rant over.