Husband always brags about being checked out

I don't know if I'm bad for feeling this, but I always get uneasy/annoyed whenever my husband brings it up. At least once a day he says how "this customer was eye-fucking me the whooole day" or if we're out somewhere he'll point out a woman, obviously 100 times more attractive than me, and say "damn did you see that! She was checking me out". Yesterday he was like "damn, I'm like checked out at least 4 times a day"

I dunno, it makes me feel uneasy... Am I wrong for feeling this? Yes my husband is very handsome, but he seems to LOVE getting "checked out" or flirted with. It just doesn't feel right. It's almost like he wants to be flirted with. Before I became huge and unattractively pregnant, if someone flirted with me I would be extremely uncomfortable and immediately stop them in their place. But it seems like he loves it, he'll let them go on and flirt and flirt and get their number. He never calls them but he doesn't seem to tell them he's married too.

I feel that maybe I'm being a jealous bitch, I feel bad for feeling uneasy about this.