Worst day yesterday! Just need to rant!!!

So my husband farms and needs to get up very early in the morning well the other night we didn't get to bed until like 11:30 after having shower and watching some tv well about an hour after I had been asleep I start hearing strange noises coming from my side of the bed but got more woke up sat up in bed and didn't hear it again until I was going back to sleep then heard it again i sat up instantly and because of the alarm clock i could see a mouse fly off the night stand so of course I freak my husband who was sound asleep jumps up and flips all the lights on then goes to look for a mouse trap and in the mean time the stupid mouse comes back! Well finally after a while he finds a trap we set it and get back in bed and it's going on 2 am of course I'm now freaked out and can't sleep and I'm 22 weeks pregnant and my hips are starting to kill me so was in pain tossed and turned all night till about 6 when we finally just got out of bed well I have a bottle calf I have been having to feed until I can turn her out on pasture well I decide to go out about 8 to feed her and realize one of my dogs is mad and it dawned on me our other dog wasn't in the kennel with her and usually he digs a joke and gets out but no holes I looked everywhere well we live next door to my husband's grandpa so I assume he let him out and didn't tell anyone which irrated me well I walked to feed the calf being it's so nice and the first thing i see is our stupid dog chasing the calf around he's not mean he's a lab whose only a little over a year old and just wants to play but it pissed me off because the calf is so scared of everything but me she has run into the fence before well next thing I know I hear my husband's grandpa yelling for my dog and he has no clue where he's at so I let him go to him while I get the calf calmed down and feed her well when I went to go back home I yelled at the dog i and told him to get his ass hone and was gonna put him back up because I was so mad at him well I get back to our drive way and my husband's grandpa gets on his 4 wheeler and comes looking for my dog and stops at the end of our drive way and starts yelling at him and I am clearly yelling at the dog to get to the house! Yet my husband's grandpa didn't seem to care I finally get my dog to go in the house with me and next thing I know my husband's grandpa comes to the house! And just stands out side the sliding glass door and I was so mad I just ignored that he was even there and was on the phone with my husband by that time he then pokes his head in the door and says to me in a very snarky voice "What you don't want drake to come with me?!" I instantly said no and before I could tell him why he slams my door shut and leaves pissed off I was just so mad from dealing with the stupid mouse the night before and having no sleep plus I'm pregnant and hormonal and then no one tells me they are taking my dog anywhere and then I find my dog chasing my calf and then the only time the man ever comes to my door is to get pissed off because I won't let him take my dog with him? He's that way he's an ass And is always pissed off at everything And thinks he controls everyone's life and is nosey as hell And he does that all the time he can't ever let me know my dog got out and that he's over at his house with him so I have to go search for him because it's not like him to not be around the house or at least with in yelling distance and will come when I call him... but he never lets me know when my dog is with him! So just really irritated me yesterday morning so I just said screw it let both dogs In the house turned up the a.c. and locked all the doors and closed the blinds and was gonna take a nap and just try and start the day over well my husband's grandma calls me (his grandparents are divorced) anyways she wanted to talk forever I kept trying to get her off the phone but she just kept talking thats just how she is lol well by that time it's lunch time and I'm starving so I decide I'm gonna grab something from the store and just go to my mom's for a while everything going fine finally go to head home and my husband calls me to tell me he broke a really expensive piece of equipment and a bunch of other farm related stuff that went wrong that day and he was in such a bad mood I felt so bad well he gets home his grandpa had pissed him off too when he stopped to talk to him before coming home.. So he was really in a bad mood after that well he had promised me he would rototill something for me when he got home from work so we start doing that well about 10 mins into it the stupid rototiller breaks! At that point we were both done and over the day I told him I wasn't cooking dinner for fear we might burn the house down so we went grabbed a bunch of junk food from the store sat on the couch ate and went to bed we were both asleep by 9 which never happens lol just such a frustrating day yesterday and we haven't had a day like that in a long time so it really drained us!!!!! 😂😆😝😴