Miscarrying pains VS Labor pains

Cassity • Laila 05/15/17, Xander 4/10/18, and Grace 11/06/2019

So the other day at, 3AM, I woke up with some pretty bad cramping.

I had already been told that there is no heartbeat and I was just waiting to naturally pass my baby.

So I woke up and just couldn't get back to sleep. The cramps got stronger and stronger to the point of where I was laying in bed crying. I knew that I was going to experience cramping and was told to take ibuprofen for the pain, but I didn't realize it would be this bad.

430 AM comes around and I'm sitting on the toilet with blood dripping out of me and dealing with those cramps. By this time, the cramps have gotten to be unbearable and the pain has made me throw up a couple of times. I decided I needed to call my husband who is out of state for work... No answer but what was I expecting? It was only 430 in the morning. So I called my mom and she said she would be right over.

When she showed up, I was on my living room floor screaming from the pain. I didn't think it would hurt this bad, but there I was probably waking up my neighbors with my yelling.

My mom drove me to the ER and I puked by the registration desk..go figure. I got a room immediately and was told to change into a gown and that I would be getting morphine. So after I got the gown on, I was given an IV with nausea meds and one shot of morphine. It didn't help the pain very much but it did relax me. Eventually, I was given another shot of morphine and I felt a lot better. I still had the pain but it wasn't as strong.

The doctor came in and used that stupid duck-bill-looking-thing to see if my cervix had opened up enough for the baby to come through. Luckily, it had and she removed the baby. The pain was almost instantly gone, aside from the not-as-bad cramping that followed. The doctor told me the cramping I was feeling was contractions and that I was in full blown labor. I was able to see my little baby, but had to leave soon after.

I was home by 630ish-7 AM. Now my question is.. Why did I go through full blown labor? I was 9w4d but the baby was only 6w1d.My mom has had several miscarriages and she never went through that pain. I read that lots of people don't go through the excruciating pain I did, but why is that? And for the people that have had miscarriages similar to my experience, which was worse labor or miscarrying? This was my first pregnancy and I'm going to try again as soon as I'm able to, but now I know what contractions feel like so I'm not as scared to give birth when I conceive again.