Misscarriage experience.

This is my first miscarriage ever. I wanted to share my experience. I would like to here your guys experience also and Im sorry if this has happened to you I dont wish this upon anyone.
Around April 16 I found out i was pregnant. I took 4 home pregnancy test as I was in denial. I was happy cause a baby always bring joy and who wouldnt want a baby! right! my husband and i were both happy thats all that mattered.
weeks passed by us happy picking out baby names if a boy or girl. we were wondering hiw this baby would look and couldnt wait til it was born. 
well may 8th i had mad an appointment to confirm my pregnancy by a professional. I didnt have and sighns of miscarriage prior to this visit. So I went in they confirmed that im expecting. Then they did a routine swab down there to check for any infections. i went home and had a little cramping wich they said was normal cause sometimes the cervix gets irritated from the swabbing. 😞 
I started spotting and cramping more and went on eache day on, then sunday my cramps were more intense here and there. 
I called my ob they said its normal it could be from the swabbing and if im soaking pads to go to the emergency or call back.
I had an ultrasound the next day monday 15th. when inwent they said everything was normal on the ultrasound they seen a heartbeat. and i was measuring 6weeks 5 day. we thought i was 7 weeks 5 days but ultrasound meassured diffrent. so I went home I was still cramping. 
I was trying to change positions and it still hurted i drank water I took tynenol nothinh worked. So i took a shower i was still cramping.
i then sat on my bed and started cramping more. Then all of a sudden i feel a pop down there. I said oh boy thats a seerious blood clot i  went to the restroom. Pull down my pants and clots fell down to the floor as i sat on the toilet. I attomatically new i had to of miscarried. 😞😭 I abserved the biggest clot and i seen my baby that looked like a mini shrimp. I cried. and cried. 
I then went to the emergency room. I took my baby in a baggy. this is all the same day I had the ultrasound. I got seen They didnt go off of what I brong. They seen i was bleeding and some clots. They checked my cervix it wasnt dialated at all. They gave me an ultrasound and said nothing was in my uterus. 
They didnt treat as a miscarriage. When it was time for me to go home they said i could be in a esrly pregnancy or have a tubal  pregnancy 🙄.  To make sure i followed up with my doctor.
(me they must think im crazy why dont they  consider it as a miscarriage. I only brong them my baby. they are messing with my fillings i felt more hurt like i brong them my baby why would they even say that) 
i kept asking them wheee did the put my baby they said to the lab when i clearly seen a nurse throw it away. I didnt want to dig in the trash cause it was full of other people stuff. 
So i didnt recieve any information on a miscarriage. I had to call my ob and they told me to come in and do blood work to confirm it. They were alarmed that the emergency room didnt give me and infor for miscarriage what so ever. 
Did this happen to anyone here? or something similar? Im hurt that i loss my little angel. To see them throw it away it hurt me sooooo much more that was a baby to me it had a heart beat. Am i over exadurating?