I can't imagine what is like to lose a baby as I've been TTC for almost 7 1/2 years 😢 but I like to read a lot about pregnancy in general, as a way to distract my mind a little bit.. anyway, I'm so sorry for all of you who have lost your baby/babies, but I wanted to share something that in many if not all miscarriages there's low progesterone present, progesterone helps the egg stick to the uterus wall and therefore prevent miscarriages.. I don't know if your dr has checked your levels, but I suggested this to a girl in another group but she said her dr would not do a lab test unless she had 3 miscarriages,😨WHAT?!?!😨 I could not believe that, she had lost her 2nd already, so she has to go trough that pain a 3rd time in order for him to check her?? This is unbeliavable, all she might need is progesterone pearls/pills/tablets 😕 but if you are in the same boat as her I would suggest you get Emerita ProGest is a progesterone cream, you can find it at Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Amazon or ebay.. you can do a little research on this also.. I wish you all the best of luck!! 😙