He wants to be just friends

Chanel • Chanel, I'm a virgin 21 yr old and just trying to track everything and be more organized.

So I'm 19 and I met this guy who was in my same ged class

He approached me and asked for my information we started to talk over Christmas break just through text he started to tell me things that made me Feel like the luckiest girl ever we went on a date where he held my hand and kissed it the whole time he started to tell me he had never felt like this about a girl before and that he wants me to be a part of his future. And I started to completely fall for him the thing is we only saw each other twice a week when we had class but we texted every minute of everyday until his text didn't come as frequently there was no more good morning babe and goodnight "kissy face emoji" so I started to prepare myself for the worst and I asked him today where he stood on us and if there is an us anymore he had said because we don't get to see each other often and because he's graduating soon basically that he wants us to just be friends and that" maybe" (Fucking maybe) once he gets out of basics (army training) something can happen

So what I don't get is how can someone tell you two days earlier how much you mean to them and how he wished he kissed you more

To not even willing to make it work like how can someone tell you they want you in their future but bails out when it doesn't go smoothly I know I'm 19 and this isn't going to be the worst heartbreak ever ( hell I'm not even sure if this is a heartbreak) but I really started to let this guy in and I feel like he just bailed and I feel like im losing a friend we told each other things that we haven't even told our closest friends and I know we're going to go from texting every day to not texting at all

Any advice on letting him go not just falling for him but letting the friendship go or any advice for any of it ? -Chanel

(sorry it's a super long post)