I need your advice.

My husband and I have been married for two years this September. Together for 9. When we met I worked full time, went to school full time and was a mom to my now eleven year old.
When we had kids four years ago, I quit my job. We had back to back kids 15 months apart. So for me to work and put two kids in daycare wasn't practical. I miss working like crazy, and some days hate being a stay at home mom. Not because I don't want to raise my kids, I just miss interacting with adults and having my own money.
We didn't fight often prior to marriage at all, but since the wedding we fight A LOT. And he's really hurtful. He screams in my face, calls me a shit wife, tells me I'm not his teammate and always try to disagree or go against him - which I don't. I do try to share my perspective because he often wants to tell me what to do at the house without realizing what actually happens here at home. 
I've tried talking to him about the way he makes me feel when he says "you're never there for me", "you are so ungrateful", "you're my wife on paper, but this isn't what I signed up for", "if you'd do what I said we wouldn't have to do this". He just continues to disregard my feelings and blame me for everything.
Normal me would tell my friends to run like hell. Here's my issue. We have three kids. I haven't worked in four years. So well money. But that aside he wasn't like this before, so I don't understand it. 
Has anyone had this happen after marriage? Why do I feel so shitty about myself? I have given that man the world whether he thinks it or not for no respect clearly in exchange. 
I don't want to start over. I do love him. And I don't want my kids to be from a broken home. But this is so miserable.