meds making you an asshole

It sucks when the medication you're on makes you an asshole but you can't stop taking it because you really might like die if you do. (I have a chronic illness that if left untreated can kill me) 
But seriously, I have such an attitude and I don't really have an attitude with anything, it makes me so mean and it sucks because I have little control over it:( I have another week of this medication before I can get off again and be a normal human being. When I speak this nasty tone comes out and I'm not even meaning to talk that way! It's incredibly hard and I don't really know how else to explain it. People don't understand how medication can do that to you. 
Now, in the case that someone has genuinely done something to piss me off while I'm on this medication, pray for them. 😳 The rage is real.  Like full rage over small things, like today for example, I dropped my phone on my foot and the hulk came out. I just want to hide and be a rage induced psycho alone but I have shit to do today 😭