Gas drops and Gripe water?

Has anyone used gas drops and gripe water in the same day? My LO is 8 weeks and struggles with Gas - started her on gripe water at 3 weeks and that stopped working or the gas got worse around 6 weeks and we switched to the gas drops. Past two weeks on the gas drops has been better - she still grunts and we bicycle her legs to help but today she's just been so upset. Only time she's not crying is when she's feeding or the few moments of sleep. Gave her gas drops at 3pm at her last feeding and wondering if I should try the gripe water now to help with the general fussiness. She's had a little spit up after each feeding (like an hour after) so I'm wondering if she has some other tummy issues that's making it unsettled. Thoughts about using gas drops and gripe water together?