Jobless Depression

I can post on here without anyone that I know personally reading so here is me right now. I quit my last job because I was being discriminated against because of my oral health. Crooked teeth don't make a good receptionist I guess. That did a good smack to my self esteem. Since then I've been jobless. Luckily I still live with my parents. I live in a small town so it's really hard to find a job. Especially when you don't have a car. So I've been sitting at home. With nothing to think about but my situation and my body. I've gained some weight. Not really noticeable to most but I know it's there. My amazing boyfriend tries to keep my head up but I think too much. And with me living in a different town than him it makes it hard for him to take me a lot of places to get out of the house. Plus I'm usually the one who pays for food and fun because I only have a phone bill. I try to keep myself busy with crafting and sewing but there's only so much of that a person can do. I'm not expecting anyone to read this. Just kinda therapeutic to type it all out. I don't think my family is realizing I feel this deep in a hole. Thanks for reading if you did.