pregnancy even an option?

I was born with Perthies disease. I am 22 now and had surgery on my hip when I was 6. Basically long explanation short the hip bone wasn't in the socket properly when I was born and the joint it self looked so bad it was and still looks like a closed first with all your point knuckles and such. Anyways, I have been told recently by an orthopaedic surgeon that anytime between now and when I am 30 I will need a full hip replacement and with how bad my hip is it can squash any chance I have and want o having kids. My boyfriend of almost 3 years isn't sure he wants kids but knows I do. He said we could start trying but has his own issues and has been told the chances of him having children is very slim as one testicle is smaller than the other. I still don't believe it but we haven't been using protection almost the entire time we have been together and I haven't been in any birth control. As of a bout a week now I have been feeling extremely bloated and a bit more emotional than I have before due to my anxiety and depression as well. Am I going crazy to think it's possible to have kids or should I just let things happen and if it happens it happens?