I can't do it all

I am trying to adjust to this life as a new mom, but I am having a very hard time right now because of all of the other shit in my families life. My mom is in the beginnings of a divorce because of all of this crap, and she is making me so crazy. I feel like her problems are my own because she texts me about them 24/7. I had to tell her to stop because it is causing me so much anxiety I want to hurt myself. She will probably try to kill herself again because I said that but I just can't do it anymore.

Edit: I said I want to hurt myself not to end my life but to get rid of the anxiety. It settles in my stomach and my thoughts race. I would never hurt myself and it is not caused by depression. I just don't have many coping strategies right now. Also, my mom has been to the hospital three times for suicide attempts. She doesn't want to get better.