Postpartum relationship

Ashley • Happily married, have a wonderful son, and a sweet baby girl 💜
Does anyone feel that during the phase from after you give birth to your 6 week pp appointment that your relationship with your SO might be strained? I get having a baby is no cup of tea, but the fact we can't have sex is what's causing the biggest issue. I didn't realize how much we need sex to relieve stress. He's generally okay (because he doesn't get up at all hours of the night and refuses to clean poopy diapers without help..also because he can get some sort of sexual pleasure) but the lack of sex is driving me batty! I still have 1.5 weeks until my appointment but I don't know how to handle the added stress. Ice cream is not an option since I'm not trying to put back all the weight I lost once the baby came 😂