red spots without pain

I live in China with my husband. It's really hard to get a doctor who can speak English and even harder to get one that knows anything about western medicine. 
So, there is this little problem we have. I noticed that my vagina can be kinda too acidic sometimes, and my husband would get a small red spot on the head of his penis, which would NOT itch or be painful. Usually if we have sex after my period, because I guess my pH would not be balanced. It would pass in a few days.
Recently he noticed he has like 4 small dots, they still don't itch or cause pain, but they are annoying.
As for me, I've had like an itch because I guess it is caused by my imbalanced pH.
First I thought it's a yeast infection, so we did use Canesten cream. It helped before, but it is obviously coming back. My simptoms(the light itchiness) are basically gone, but he still has the spots. So I'm wondering if anyone has encountered something similar, and if there are some home remedies that we could try? I've read that I should use baking soda!!??? to rinse but I still not sure about that. Thanks for the help