Dentists suck

Obie-One 💙💑👶

So with my insurance, only one place near me would take it. I've been having gum problems on and off for the past several months. But I couldn't even be seen and was put on a two year waiting list. I had to call and complain saying I was pregnant and it's important for me to be seen.

They made me an appt for June 20 (note I made this appt almost 2 months ago) and I had to get an OB note saying I need work done so i can be seen smh....just getting so frustrated. My gums recently started to lightly bleed where the tears/sore spots are. It hurts to brush and it's driving me nuts! 😢

I've always brushed twice a day and floss a couple times a week at least. Just needed to complain. My mouth feels like it's pulsing and I just want this to be fixed...first time I ever had this problem. Gaaarrg 😡😓