I didn't eat today...

I didn't eat today. My daughters formula and diapers are more important. I didn't eat yesterday, rent was passed due and I was facing eviction. I worked 10 hours straight every day last week. My paycheck barely afforded bills and my daughters things. 
I called you, you didn't answer though. I just needed some help. But you're too busy focusing on Her and her three children that aren't even yours. You left me with all of the bills. I'm barely keeping my head above water, while you make 5x the amount I do and pay for all of Her bills. I see Her driving around in my car often, hair and nails freshly done every time she's in the store. I smile and she grins back, because she knows. She knew the day you two met that he was with someone, and she knew we just found out we were expecting. She KNEW we were having problems, but were trying our hardest to fix them. She preyed on a man that was balancing on a thin line with the woman he started a life with. She was my best friend...
And You... you left the woman you supposedly loved, a woman who didn't want you for your money, a woman who gave you her EVERYTHING. You cheated and lied, all the while I was trying so hard to fix our problems. I worked too much, I just wanted you to know I wasn't in this for your money and I never was. I snapped easily, that was because I was forced to defend myself at a young age. My libido dropped, but that's because you quit wanting to have sex unless it was convenient for you, you didn't take the time to please me anymore. 
I know none of this is my fault, you fell out of love and you chose to do these things. But things were beginning to get better. You came home every night, we talked, you opened up again. We started seeing a counselor. We began to be okay again, no more fighting and you seemed to devote everything to me.
Fast forward two months, you go out to the bar one night with friends... I'm at home, trying not to vomit. We just found out about a tiny baby. It didn't seem possible, I was on the shot. It didn't matter though, you seemed happy. You offered to take care of me but I told you to go, you needed some fun. I wish I had just said no.
You see, She was there... she fed you drinks until you blacked out... she said she was taking you home to me.. she didn't. A month later she told you see was pregnant. You told me and we decided we'd work it out. I forgave you. I hated her. She boasted about her conquest to our friends thinking in wouldn't find out. 
Over the course of a few weeks you spent more and more time with her. I knew what was going on. I freaked, you yelled, I cried... and cried.. and cried. You left. I cried every day until my daughter was born. You didn't bother showing up. You didn't want to even be a part of it. You still haven't met her.. she looks so much like you. 
She did this on purpose and you fell into the trap. I see you around too.. your hair is starting to grey and you sold your car. She lied about the pregnancy, she boasted about that too. You don't know that though, she told you it was a miscarriage. You're losing money quickly, I can tell. You're stressed, I see it on your face every time you pick out my line at the store and say you're doing great. 
You texted me just know... I decided I don't want your help. You need your money more than I do, you live with a leech who is sucking you dry. 
I can do this on my own. My daughter is happy and healthy and always has a full belly. 
I haven't eaten today.. but I will tomorrow.
I forgot to mention I can't get child support because he signed over his rights. He asked and I obliged as I didn't want my daughter around his fiancé.
And to add more, he didn't want to meet his daughter. She's almost a year old and he's never asked, or accepted my offer.