
Can you guys just stop fucking policing everyone? I'm sorry but when did being a member of the Glow community give you a right to attack people for breaking rules that are so insignificant in the scheme of things. ITS AN APP. Stop acting like it's your high school. There's a nice way to say things. You don't have to constantly attack each other and police each other because someone posted anonymously. Or because someone posted about a pregnancy test in the wrong room. There are human beings behind these posts and when you attack people for seemingly small things, you're not only being an asshole but you're showing a complete lack of empathy. Which is sad because half of the people that do it are liberals who pretend to have empathy. Except for people behind a screen. Those people get no empathy? A simple "hey just an FYI, your post will be deleted because it's in the wrong room" will suffice. Why do you all have to be so nasty to each other? AND WHERE ARE THE ADMINS IN CONTROVERSY CORNER? WHY DO YOU LET A COMMUNITY OF HORMONAL WOMEN POLICE THEMSELVES? MAKE IT A RULE THAT WOMEN CANT ACT LIKE ADMINS WHEN THEY ARENT.