Share your premature labor

Miranda • Just a couple trying to start a family. ❤

I am currently in the hospital as of a few days ago because I went into premature labor at 26 weeks. Contractions every few mins, 4cm, baby was vertex and ready! They did everything to stop him as well as steroid shots just in case. That all started Sunday. It's now Thursday and I'm still bleeding down there.

I'm also getting nearly regular pressure (probably from baby pushing on the monitors) in my lower abdomin. The nurses, and my main doctor, are aware but don't seem fazed. I'm just worried it's the start to more contractions as my bleeding hasn't lessened over yesterday and today. I'm getting clots when wiping after using the bedpan.

If you have your own premature labor story, can you share it? It'll help me feel less alone about this although I know it happens more than I could imagine.

Thank you!