has anyone ever had to get Cycle day 3 blood results? I'm so nervous to know my results.

Ky 8-15-17👼🏼 & 10-28-17👼🏼 Pregnant with my🌈💕
I'm 23 and  have been ttc for 14 months and only seeing an obgyn since march. My obgyn gave me provera because me period didn't come again last month and I also told her that I don't think I'm ovulating because I've never gotten a positive opk. So she wanted me to get blood taken on day 3 of my period and said for me to make an appointment to come see her so she can talk to me about my results and treatment options. I just went and got my blood taken and made an appointment for next Friday so she can talk to me about my results and treatment options. I'm so scared to know what my results are that I could almost cry. I just hope it's nothing bad /: and I'm confused as to what she means by treatment options. Has anyone else had this done before?? How were your results and what ended up happening?