spotting for 1 day?

Okay so I've been exclusively pumping since my son was born in the beginning of September. I have not gotten my period yet. The last few months I would get a little cramp here and there but nothing. Then last night while at work I got hit with these horrible cramps as if I had just got my period, went to the bathroom sure enough blood. So I was like alright my period finally came 🤷🏻‍♀️ the cramps only lasted an hour or two, and by the time I got home a few hours later it stopped. Now you would think after 9 months if I got my period it would be back with vengeance but this was like last day period, and now today NOTHING. No sign this ever happened. I'm confused. Has this happened to anyone else? Just spotting for a few hours? I'm not sure what this could be and it's been driving me nuts all day. *sigh* any type of input would be great.