I am 36 and DH is 28

I am 36 and DH is 28. We are coming up on our one year anniversary. I went off birth control in February because we were going to start trying in April. We were surprised on March 24th with a BFP. Sadly it ended in an early miscarriage on April 2nd. The only positive is that we went to Europe a week later for our last hurrah and I was able to drink wine!! We had an amazing trip and we were ready to start trying for our rainbow baby. AF showed up on April 30th and I ovulated on Mother's Day, how appropriate. We were BDing every other day since AF. I was temping and using OPKs. I got my first faint positive 8 dpo but committed to only testing on days 8, 11 and 14 because I wasn't Ed to see progression. I was concerned about another CP. I saw my midwife on Tuesday and she did my HCG, which was 356. It was 892 on Thursday. It's more than doubling and it's a strong solid number. This is our rainbow baby due 02/04. We are so thrilled and are so blessed.