Unprepared parents and uninvolved pediatricians!


I have a friend who, for the last 8 years, has followed whatever I've done. She got pregnant 2 days after my daughter was born 😂 after telling me that they were not ready for kids anytime soon just a few months before.

I have kept in touch with her on and off even though we do not see eye to eye on many things anymore. But, I still care for her and try to make sure she's doing well. We were discussing her newborn son (6 weeks old) and she told me that he has colic and that there's nothing she can do and that she was ferberizing him because she, "didn't care how old he is. He's going to self soothe." I told her as nicely as I could that they do not recommend that before 6 months old. We ended the conversation at that before it was an argument.

Well, a few days later she was talking about his 1 month doctors appointment the week before and I asked his percentiles. He was less than 4% for weight and .6% for height. I asked what the doctor said and she said he didn't say a word about it. I recommended that she feed him more and see if it helps. My dd had issues with weight gain from silent reflux and I gave her the same advice my Dr told me. He has since gone from a "colic" baby that she said numerous times "SUCKED" to a happy, normal baby that smiled at me the first time i met him in person and she said that she thinks that was the problem all along.

So, essentially she was starving him because of her own ignorance. (She admitted she "never thought of that" and that she felt stupid 😣)

Every parent makes mistakes, I am just glad nothing bad came of it before someone figured it out. She had completely accepted waiting out the fussiness and multiple hour long screaming sessions until 3/4 months when colic eases up. BUT WHAT THE FUCK IS HER DOCTOR DOING?!?!?!?!?! Her son is formula fed and he never recommended feeding more oz, more often, and didn't ask him to come back for a weight check. He has been starving and you can visibly see that he does not look like other newborns/1 month olds I have met. He almost appears to be premature still (he was born 1 week early though but that was late april)

My nephew and daughter both had weight issues at separate times and our Dr's brought us back for multiple weight checks, sometimes even 3-4 a week for my nephew since he was so young at the time.