
For the first time in over 8 months since my baby was born, I regret my choice to have another child.

I feel like a horrible person and horrible mother for saying it, but he's been screaming bloody murder for several hours during the day yesterday despite everything being fine.

Screaming so loud I can hear my eardrums distorting like a torn speaker.

The only chance I was able to eat today was in the car, as fast as I could, while he say behind me SCREAMING.

He's still keeping a newborn schedule .. At 9 months old he still wakes up every 3 hours to eat despite every trick in the book for eliminating night feedings.

The newborn stage was no problem.

I haven't slept in a year and a half (pregnancy was an issue).

I'm exhausted.

My nerves are fried.

This is the first I've actually been angry at my baby.

I love this child, but I feel like I can't do this anymore and tonight I'm regretting my choice to be a mother.