FTM induction and natural birth story
I was due May 31st 2017 but that day came and passed. I was scheduled for an induction on June 7th at 9pm. On June 7th I called the hospital to see if they were still able to take me that day and they told me they were very busy and it would be better to come the next day at the same time. The next day I woke up at 9:30am to a message from the hospital saying I could come in at any time instead of 9pm. So I got up, ate breakfast, took a shower, and we were off to the hospital. We got to the hospital at noon. We were checked into our room by 12:30pm. The first few hours consisted of the nurse setting up my IV, monitoring my belly, going over my birth plan, and eating. I wanted a natural birth and had a midwife instead of a doctor. I was already having some very light contractions that were irregular. Around 3:30pm they gave me my first dose of cytotec. Half of a pill. My contractions stayed mild but started to be more regular. At some point they gave me fluid in my IV to make sure I wasn't just dehydrated. Around 8pm my midwife decided to use a foley bulb and do a membrane sweep. It felt like period cramps having that put in. The foley bulb came out around 10pm. Then I got my second dose of cytotec right before midnight. My widwife told me to try and get some sleep so I did but I woke up every hour to pee. Around 3am my contractions were getting stronger but they weren't painful. The nurse came in and gave me more fluid in my IV. Around 4 am I woke up shaking extremely hard and I was freezing so I woke Dylan up to help me call the nurse and get me warm. She brought me heated blankets which were amazing. I was having moderate contractions so they gave me fluid in my iv just in case I was dehydrated. They also were trying to slow my contractions down. That didn't work lol. Around 5 am my contractions were really intense and painful and I just kept breathing. I called my nurse in to ask if I could use the tub and she said of course and got it ready for me. Around 6am I was getting ready to get in the tub and I told her I felt like I had to poop but I was too scared to push so she called my midwife in to check my cervix and I was about 7cm. She said I was all good to get in the tub still so I did. Dylan heard me moaning and woke up and came and sat next to the tub with me. The tub provided relief for like 30 seconds then 3 contractions later my water broke in the tub and I started to get extremely hot and I was like I need to get out of here now. They put ice water rags on my chest to cool me down. As I was walking back to the bed I was having contractions every two steps and I was holding on to Dylan and my midwife. At this point I was like I think I want the iv meds and my midwife was like no you're almost there! They raised the bed up so I could lean against it and try to move my hips back and forth. I did for a few seconds then got on my knees on the floor and peed uncontrollably. I was like I just peed I'm sorry and they were like no that's your water and I was like it's pee I can smell it and they were like yeah you're right I can smell it too lol. At this point I could barely move because my contractions were so strong so I just laid down on the floor and they threw a bunch of blankets down for me and my pillow. I put my head in Dylan's lap and they said if I feel the urge to push that I should. So I started pushing with my contractions. And that's when my screaming started. They guided me with how to push and I pushed 3 times with breaths in between each push during every contraction. They said his head was right there but it wasn't coming out and his heart rate started to drop. They called the doctor in and I heard episiotomy. In my head I was like fuck here it comes. That was literal torture. That's when I screamed as loud as I possibly fucking could. Then I pushed and out came the babies head and I kept pushing til the rest of his body came out. I felt a huge gush of fluid and immediate relief and pure happiness. They handed him right to me. They helped me up and onto the bed and that's when I saw that the gush of fluid was blood. Ahhh it was so much. Then I delivered the placenta and then they gave me fretanol for the stitches. Not only did they cut me towards my butt but I ripped upwards too but it was all so worth it. They stitched me up and Lazarus latched right away with no problems. After an hour they were getting ready to move me to recovery. Then they were like okay we need you to pee first so the nurse walked me to the bathroom and I thought I peed but it was actually a huge blood clot and they were like okay we need to get you back on the bed. I wouldnt stop bleeding so they had to give me a freaking catheter because I couldn't pee. The pressure from my bladder was causing me to bleed more. Then they took my vitals and everything was good and they moved us to recovery. I was pretty light headed for a few hours. Feeling a lot better now just very very sore down there.
My midwife I saw during my appointments came to visit me and she said that I have extreme anemia due to all the blood loss. She said if she were the one delivering she would have given me a blood transfusion. She checked me and baby and everything was all good and we got to go home.
I couldn't be more happy to have experienced what I did even with the scary complications at the end.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.